Friday, June 19, 2009

Welcome to my World!

Scary as it is, I've decided that I should start blogging. We have been working hard to keep our newsletter to a short page, and while I love my Facebook page, too many of the folks I communicate with regularly don't access Facebook. Twittering is fun, but really, 140 characters? Anyone who knows me knows I'm going to have more to say than THAT!

So, let me do a brief introduction for those of you who stumble across me and have not yet met me! I'm Lise, owner of BasketWorks/79Gifts. I opened the company in March of 1997, as a corporate dropout - in my previous lives I was a compensation analyst and a children's department supervisor at a bookstore. I have been able to incorporate my love of children's books into BasketWorks/79Gifts, but so far I haven't had much need for my labor relations training!

I have two boys, two dauschunds, one wonderful husband. I'm eclectic in my reading, my hobbies and my interests, and hope to share that with you in the coming days? weeks? Anyway, enough with the intros, off to write something of substance!
